
Monday, December 27, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dear Beirut Municipality, ever heard of Global Warming? What about management of supply?

The lights are on, when the sun is on. Curious.

The streets of Beirut are lit even during the day. Not just on one day, but over and over again daily in that neighborhood, at noon, Geitawi is sparkling. Not that you see it, Sun is stronger after all.
That alone is stupefying for any conscious being listening about The subject of news this year: "Global Warming".
That somehow still does not affect most Lebanese who consider having much bigger problems to deal with.

But when the households just next to these street lights get daily 3 hours (minimum) electricity cutoffs because of lack of supply...Outrageous!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What will December bring? [Any chance for my optimism?]

1/10th full or 9/10th empty?

The other side of the impressive majestic Dam

Last week, it was so hot in the city, that two usually busy working girls, with free time on their hands on an exceptionally sunny beautiful Wednesday, decided to go to the mountains for fresh air; and it was a great day.
Now that would be a typical description of a situation happening in August or September, well maybe some days of October too, but that was by the end of November.

Somehow, during our aimless driving, going from hot Antelias to breezy Bekfaya then Klayaat, ...We ended by the new water dam of Shabrouh, Faraya.

If it is not 50/50 then should I say it is 1/10th full or 9/10th empty?
Is this weather testing my positive attitude and optimism?

Today is December 2nd 2010 and "Lebanon has had 51.2 millimetres (2.05 inches) of rain since September, drastically down from 214.8 millimetres during the same period last year."(France 24)
I am a person who prefers by far summer and sun to winter and rain, but with this climate change, I find myself wishing and praying for snow and storm.

May it pour!
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